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It's common for people to assume when their dog is having an issue with their food that it's being caused by the main protein but it most of the cases we've come across, that's just not the case. Many of the people who have contacted us were desperate for a solution and had already spent a lot of money on a variety of test and foods without any relief for their poor pup.


Mrs. Parker is a Clinical Pet Nutritionist and Pet Master Herbalist offering food and environmental intolerance/allergy testing with diet evaluation for any dog who needs it, regardless of whether they schedule services with us or not.


Reasons for the testing could be due to any of the above listed reasons but some people just want what is best for the pup and would like them to be tested so they know what they best food for them is. Whatever the reason, we're here to help. This testing is done through a private lab, is more accurate and precise than the blood tests offered at the vet and is a fraction of the cost.


Your dog's personalized report will include


• a list of what your dog's sample was reactive to

• a list of your dog's current food ingredient list with sensitivities highlighted for review

• a list of suggest proteins

• a list of suggested food brands/blends with links to purchase online

• a list of suggest treats

• a guide for a successful food transition

• a list of helpful tools to have at home with links

• a list of home remedies for basic ailments

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If you're interested in more information, just sent us a text and we'd be happy to help!

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